Letters for December 8, 2006

Dental tourism to China medically safe

Re: Canadians biting into dental tourism, Nov. 24

I was encouraged to see the recent story in Centretown News which should help was encouraged to see the recent story in Centretown News which should help readers to better appreciate the benefits of dental tourism, as made possible by services such as inciDENTAL Tourist. read more

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Letters for April 14, 2006

Ownership blamed for newspaper content

Re: Canada’s objectivity obsession, March 31

In her article, Kathryn Carlson has missed the real reasons leading to her perception that our major daily newspapers lack a diverse, consistent range of journalistic viewpoints.

She is, in fact, correct in her conclusion regarding the dailies, but the reasons have nothing to do with a lack of journalistic backbone. read more

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Letters for March 31, 2006

Letter writer ‘myopic’

Re: Gaybourhood vision ‘unnecessary,’ March 14

Since Mr. Harrison wants feedback on the above letter, may I point out that there are a couple of other areas in the city which may not have been designated officially as “special areas,” Chinatown for one. What is your attitude on this? Perhaps you find that Asians are more acceptable? read more

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