Letters for October 1, 2004

Stop ‘whining’ over bridge

Soooo. Some people are opposed to the foot bridge.

What these people are really saying is that they oppose spending on something they are unlikely to use frequently. If the NCC was to foot the bill they would be all for it.

Just look around and note the things that make this city such a great place to live. read more

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Letters for April 9, 2004

Exporting water not so simple

The article by Mike Fegelman in your March 26 issue has so many errors of fact that it is questionable whether it is worth taking his proposal to export water seriously.

To mention just two errors: Most of the water we use renews fully every year, as anyone who goes outside in March or April can confirm; only a small proportion in certain aquifers is nonrenewable. And privatization in Bolivia was so far from successful that it led to deadly riots that forced the government to cancel the contract. Even if there were no other objections (and there are many) the notion that Canada could make money by exporting water fails on its own grounds. read more

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Letters for March 26, 2004

VSO headline was misleading

I am writing in response to the article in your March 9 edition entitle “Missionaries preaching marketing savvy.” As someone who has been involved with various international development agencies, including VSO, I am concerned by the headline writer’s confusion between the work done by independent international development organizations and that of religious missionaries. read more

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