When school kicks off next September, Grade 7 students from the Glebe might find themselves travelling some of Centretown’s busiest streets to get to class.
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Civil liberties group concerned about police body cameras
Placing body cameras on police officers brings into question who officers are supposed to be protecting, says Nathalie Des Rosiers, general counsel of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.
Bus route change triples ride time to General hospital
For many Centretown residents, a bus trip to the hospital has tripled in time, tripled in distance, and tripled in the number of buses that need to be taken.
Conservatives tighten security belt on Parliament Hill
Two years after the Hill’s last major security breach, when 20 protesters scaled the Parliament Buildings and hung banners without impediment from security officers, the Conservative government is planning to spend almost $9 million to enhance security at the entrance gates and better manage vehicle access to the Hill.