Ottawa police pay tribute to transgender victims
Evgeniya Kulgina, Centretown News
Members of the city's transgender community help unveil the Transgender Remembrance Day banner at Ottawa police headquarters.Archive 1997-2016
Ottawa made history during this year’s annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, as the Ottawa Police Service held a commemorative ceremony last Saturday that made it the first Canadian organization to officially recognize the international event.Evgeniya Kulgina, Centretown NewsMembers of the city's transgender community help unveil the Transgender Remembrance Day banner at Ottawa police headquarters.
The “strongest drug on the streets” is rising in popularity among drug users in Centretown and health officials say they are concerned about its danger.
The Preston Street BIA is considering producing two additional columns to accompany the other 15 art pieces already installed along Preston Street.
For decades, the Bytown Museum was unable to display a rare 19th-century photograph of King Edward VII, when he was Prince of Wales.Boel Marcks von Würtemberg, Centretown NewsPilar Hernandez-Ramero, a conservator at the Bytown Museum, peers at a 1860 photo of then Prince of Wales.