A new program from Pink Triangle services is attempting to address health issues pertinent to local lesbian, bisexual, trans-sexual, two-spirit and queer women.
Health program launched for lesbian women
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Archive 1997-2016
A new program from Pink Triangle services is attempting to address health issues pertinent to local lesbian, bisexual, trans-sexual, two-spirit and queer women.
All options being considered in a major city action plan to reduce the environmental impact of sewage spills and overflows into the Ottawa River involve breaking ground in Centretown, according to city officials.
A proposed partnership between the Somerset West Community Health Centre and Ottawa Community Immigrant Services could boost the fundraising potential for the Marion Dewar Scholarship Fund for immigrant and refugee youth in Ottawa.
The cranes swing back and forth carrying materials like Lego blocks as the Beaver Barracks and LeBreton Flats developments grow piece by piece.Megan Cheung, Centretown NewsConstruction of the second tower at LeBreton Flats is under way.