Construction pushes Santa’s parade off Bank Street
The Help Santa Toy Parade's new route.Archive 1997-2016
The Help Santa Toy Parade has a new route and start time this year because of concerns over the Bank Street revitalization project.ImageThe Help Santa Toy Parade's new route.
A proposal for the redevelopment of a semi-industrial building to a three-unit condominium near Bank and Cooper streets was put on hold last week amid concerns of residents and heritage officials.
Services and programs are slowly being reintroduced at community health centres in Centretown after being bumped earlier this month for emergency H1N1 flu assessments.
The success of the once-controversial Corktown Bridge has sparked the City of Ottawa to consider construction of two new pedestrian bridges connecting missing links within the city. Megan Cheung, Centretown NewsThe success of the Corktown Bridge at Somerset Street West has sparked interest in two new pedestrian bridges.