Centretown needs at least 17 paramedic units on duty at all times if the area is to be served adequately says Jean-Pierre Trottier, the Ottawa paramedics’ spokesperson.
Centretown short paramedics
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Archive 1997-2016
Centretown needs at least 17 paramedic units on duty at all times if the area is to be served adequately says Jean-Pierre Trottier, the Ottawa paramedics’ spokesperson.
The Friends of the O-Train lobby group is poised to release an alternative to the city’s four transit plans, which outline how the city would build the new Ottawa transit system.
Four potential methods of environmental protection received support from Ottawa residents at a city-sponsored workshop about tree conservation earlier this month.
The City of Ottawa is moving to address Centretown’s lack of greenspace by planting trees along roadways and on the grounds of private residences, schools and businesses.Kate Horodyski, Centretown News Pia Marin, 9, and her brother Ernesto, 12, colour leaves at the Festival of Trees workshop.