Deanne Pittman, Centretown News
University of Ottawa students climb onto a crowded bus at Laurier station. Starting April 24, OC Transpo will close off the Transitway between Laurier and Lees stations to accomodate construction.Students at the University of Ottawa say the timing of an upcoming closure of one of the main bus stations on campus could not be more inconvenient.
Category: News
Microbeads pollute local waters
They're hidden in your clothes, your soaps and even your toothpaste. Microbeads — tiny plastic particles — are part of most common personal care products.
Councillors divided on new concrete noise barriers
Construction on new noise barriers along Highway 417 in downtown Ottawa could begin as early as this summer, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation revealed at a Feb. 3 transportation committee meeting at city hall.
Dominion-Chalmers facing financial uncertainty
Choir voices and organ music may further echo along empty sanctuaries, as spaces clear among church pews.
The future of Centretown churches grows uncertain, with dwindling congregation numbers and changing downtown demographics affecting their funding stability.