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Category: News
Tearful parishioners bid adieu to century-old Erskine church
As the leaders of the final service at Erskine church proceeded through the church and out the doors for the last time on Oct. 21, the solemn notes of Amazing Grace, played by a single bagpiper, followed them outside into the night air.
Community Calendar for November 9, 2007
Nov. 16-17
The Odawa Native Friendship Centre, 12 Stirling Ave., is holding an arts and craft sale from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Lunch will also be available. Proceeds will go towards the “Food for Friends” Christmas hampers and toys for Ottawa’s aboriginal residents. For information call 613-232-0016.
Community Calendar for October 26, 2007
Oct. 26
St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Bank Street at First Avenue, is holding a harvest home supper from 4:30 until 7 p.m. Enjoy an old-fashioned country church supper (turkey with all the trimmings) in the heart of the city. Tickets are $15 for adults and $6 for children and students. Ticket available at the door.