Aboriginal people testifying at the Ottawa provincial courthouse are now able to swear an oath on an eagle feather to affirm they are telling the truth.
Eagle feather an option for oaths in Ontario courthouses
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Archive 1997-2016
Aboriginal people testifying at the Ottawa provincial courthouse are now able to swear an oath on an eagle feather to affirm they are telling the truth.
Karen Henderson, Centretown News
City councillors wants to regulate payday loan companies, such as this Cash Money store located on Bank Street that targets low-income customers.From Vanier to Bank St., payday loan businesses line the main drags of Ottawa.
Centretowners are banding together and opening doors for a Syrian refugee family to reunite them with relatives already living in the city.
Pressures from Somerset Coun. Catherine McKenney and Capital Coun. David Chernushenko are the latest attempts at making Ottawa bike-friendly.