NHL players came out swinging again this season. For a third straight year, the number of fighting majors has increased in the league.
Viewpoint: Hockey heavyweights in danger of losing their title
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NHL players came out swinging again this season. For a third straight year, the number of fighting majors has increased in the league.
Jonathan Ferreira is a real life karate kid.Sarah Hartwick, Centretown News Jonathan Ferreira trains at Douvris Martial Arts and Fitness Centre on Bank Street.
Lisgar Collegiate Institute is rowing in a new direction. The school’s rowing team has started a three–year plan towards becoming more competitive, running early–morning and after–school practices and training year–round.Doris Wang, Centretown News Lisgar rowing team at practice on the Ottawa River.
To most Canadian sports fans, October means the start of the NHL season. Hockey steals the spotlight, while the MLB playoffs get little attention.