Curlers will be sweeping across Ottawa as some of Ontario’s best players come to compete in the 23rd annual Ontario deaf curling championships this month.
Deaf curlers in the house for provincial championships
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Archive 1997-2016
Curlers will be sweeping across Ottawa as some of Ontario’s best players come to compete in the 23rd annual Ontario deaf curling championships this month.
Visible from parts of Centretown, the national capital region YMCA-YWCA stands tall against a now bleak backdrop. With the change of season, its brown brick walls match the bare limbs on the trees outside, and somehow it seems even more noticeable.
The acoustics in this gym enhance every last sound, from the squeaks of shoes on the court to the heavy breaths coming from each player’s mouth.
Frisbees aren’t just a beach toy anymore. Ulimate frisbee is a fast growing sport and the Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association has increased indoor field time to accommodate its popularity.