New exercise combats boredom

By Thomasina Larkin

A new type of exercise is kicking up a storm in Centretown.

Since tae bo arrived on Ottawa’s fitness scene about two months ago, hundreds have been kicking and punching their way to trimmer bodies.

World karate champion Billy Blanks created and patented tae bo, which is a mix of tae kwon do, karate, boxing and dance. The real tae bo is currently only offered on Blanks’ home video tapes and at a couple of fitness clubs in Ottawa and Toronto. read more

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Annual bonspiel ready to rock

By Julia Ziolkowski

Centretown curling fans are in for a treat when the City of Ottawa Bonspiel rocks the capital March 17.

The 44th annual event attracts over 1,000 curlers, says Revia Fisher-Titus, secretary manager of the Ottawa Valley Curling Association (OVCA). Fisher-Titus expects teams from all over Ontario, Quebec and New York state, and even one competitor from Finland. read more

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