Garrett Barry, Centretown News
Kramer Nancoo throws a dart during the Canadian Deaf Dart Championships earlier this month.The Canadian Deaf Dart Championships, which took place at the Ottawa Travelodge from Nov. 5to 8, was largely a chance for the deaf sporting community to socialize, says Ryan Hardy, a member of the Ottawa deaf darts team.
Category: Sports
Breast cancer awareness group ends campaign
The Unshaven Mavens are ditching the shaving and growing out their armpit hair for the final time this month in support of breast cancer awareness. Their poster slogan, “Pits for Tits,” distributed throughout Centretown, is indicative ofthe group’s quirky sense of humour.
Local player skates into first season with 67’s
William Renaud/Ottawa 67's
Nathan Todd has earned a spot on this season's roster for the Ottawa 67's.In the familiar red, white and black striped jersey, Nathan Todd steps from the rubber matting and onto the ice. For Todd it’s a familiar motion – he's repeated it countless times in hockey arenas across Eastern Ontario.
Viewpoint: Kids need more than a helmet to prevent concussions
The risks associated with childhood concussions have been proven by various studies, but in order to make a real impact, legislators still need to be knocking people – parents, teachers, coaches and athletes in particular – over the head with this information.