Over the past few months, the current issue of utmost importance on the global stage has become the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis. We are witnessing one of the largest migrations of people to ever exist in known history. Although Syria may be half a world away, Canadians right here in Ottawa are getting involved in bringing aid to thousands of refugees.
Category: Video
A safe space for slam
Ottawa’s Urban Legends is a spoken word group that seeks to create a safe space for budding poets. On October 18th, the Urban Legends team travelled to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to compete in Canada’s premiere national spoken word competition.
If a tree falls
Many trees in the nation’s capital are over a century old, some even pre-date confederation. But what if you woke up one morning and a beloved tree was gone? It’s a reality Daniel Buckles has lived, and he’s since made it his mission to protect the oaks in his neighbourhood. Now, the city is building a plan to protect Ottawa’s urban canopy to help residents like Buckles keep development out of their trees.
Drag queen superstar
Hairstylist by day, drag queen by night. Samneng Tep discovered his alter ego seven years ago as a way in to Ottawa’s LGBT community. We caught up with Tep to follow his transformation into one of the city’s drag superstars.