Until OC Transpo’s new automatic stop-calling system is switched on later this year, its drivers are obligated to call out stops. And some are finding innovative ways to do it.
Bus driver uses iPhone to call out stops
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Archive 1997-2016
Until OC Transpo’s new automatic stop-calling system is switched on later this year, its drivers are obligated to call out stops. And some are finding innovative ways to do it.
Centretown-based photographer Tony Fouhse says his best pictures are taken of unfamiliar people in unfamiliar places but these days, he’s looking for inspiration closer to home. Jessica BrunoOttawa photographer Tony Fouhse holds one of the photos from his new exhibit.
A member of the city’s pedestrian and transit advisory committee is pushing to widen a narrow stretch of sidewalk on Metcalfe Street between Albert and Slater because it is one of the most heavily used pedestrian routes in the downtown core.
Eric Darwin has a vision for Dalhousie – the community on the west side of Centretown where he has lived for 30 years.