Kait Labatte, Centretown News
Christian McPherson's new novel Saving Her will be launched on Sept. 26 at Pressed Cafe.Writer’s block is not a problem for local author Christian McPherson. In fact, the Ottawa native says he has the opposite issue.
Category: Web Exclusives
Seniors knit for HIV-AIDS awareness
Seniors from the Good Companions Seniors’ Centre on Albert Street are knitting scarves to help raise awareness about HIV-AIDS and counter the stigma surrounding the sexually transmitted, immune-system disease.
Lisgar faces challenges defending its national quiz title
For members of the Lisgar Collegiate Institute senior quiz team, the beginning of a new school year means more than just going back to class. It means its national title defence is about to begin.
Electronic music pioneer Matt Moldover will debut the Octamasher at nature museum
By Sarah Peet
The OctaMasher; eight keyboards, one computerThe latest Nature Nocturne event at the Canadian Museum of Nature is scheduled for Sept. 25 and features the American electronic music artist and inventor Matt Moldover, who pioneered the “controllerism”-style blend of traditional music and software-generated sound.