Abid Jan says he came to Canada to find peace and security. Instead, he found only fear and loathing. He blames Canada’s intelligence services.
CSIS interviews spread fear in community
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Archive 1997-2016
Abid Jan says he came to Canada to find peace and security. Instead, he found only fear and loathing. He blames Canada’s intelligence services.
Fitzroy Nesbitt has found a creative way to avoid Canada’s mandatory construction apprenticeships – working for himself.
The immigration department can be more of a hindrance than a help to newcomers settling in Canada, critics say, adding that it is responsible for poor quality service, over-stretched waiting times and mounting frustration among immigration claimants.
Maunir Louis spends 12 hours a day at the wheel of his taxi. It’s difficult and demanding work: he has chronic back problems, but can’t afford to take enough time off to get the rest he needs.