Imagine everyone has plenty of natural resources to survive. Let’s say everyone on earth has a bundle of 1,000 ‘units’– representing enough water, timber and other resources.
Condos blend capitalism with environmentalism
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Archive 1997-2016
Imagine everyone has plenty of natural resources to survive. Let’s say everyone on earth has a bundle of 1,000 ‘units’– representing enough water, timber and other resources.
Dawn Pickering says she wants to give back to the city that’s provided her with so much, whether she’s elected as Somerset Ward Councillor or not.
With previous experience as a poverty rights lawyer, David MacDonald says his concern for the underprivileged and a desire to get back to helping them are what made him decide to run for city council.
Coupling political parties with city council elections will end municipal politics as we know it, Somerset Ward Coun. Elisabeth Arnold says.