Ashley Metzger, Centretown News
Candidates in Ottawa Centre consider the economy the most pressing election issue.With the federal election less than a month away, Ottawa Centre candidates are busy campaigning and addressing the issues at hand. Each of the five candidates has a different concern, but the economy is on the top of their lists.
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Local author launches seventh book
Kait Labatte, Centretown News
Christian McPherson's new novel Saving Her will be launched on Sept. 26 at Pressed Cafe.Writer’s block is not a problem for local author Christian McPherson. In fact, the Ottawa native says he has the opposite issue.
Black Lives Matter mural at Bank and Somerset defaced, restored
Kathleen Saylors, Centretown News
Repainted mural at Bank and SomersetA mural dedicated to trans women of colour on the corner of Bank and Somerset streets was defaced Thursday morning, before quickly being restored by community members.
Seniors knit for HIV-AIDS awareness
Seniors from the Good Companions Seniors’ Centre on Albert Street are knitting scarves to help raise awareness about HIV-AIDS and counter the stigma surrounding the sexually transmitted, immune-system disease.