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A pilot project that saw patios on Elgin Street started in 2012. Business owners say patios were good for business, but accessibility concerns were raised by a community group.As snow and ice begin to settle on the sidewalks of Elgin Street, Centretown residents and business owners are debating whether restaurant patios should continue to share the walkway with pedestrians in the summer months.
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Exhibit aims to challenge views of the Arctic
Ice. Igloos. Polar Bears. These are just a few of the things that come to mind when people think about the Arctic.
Immigrant women bond through art
Courtesy Mercy Lawluvi
Immigrant women gather for art classes at Immigrant Women Services Ottawa.When Raphael Walder immigrated to Canada from England in March, she didn’t consider herself an artist.
Charlie Brown comes to town for jazz concert
Charlie Brown fans and jazz lovers, two groups first brought together in 1965, will unite once again on Dec. 4 in Centretown for a night of original jazz music and scenes from a Christmas television classic.