The annual Canadian Museums Day on Parliament Hill will take place Nov. 18 and this year, museum professionals are lobbying for an increased investment of $5 million per year in the Young Canada Works program, creating nearly 1,000 new jobs and internships for students.
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McKenney pushes for more bike parking
Centretown cyclists may soon get more bike parking now that Catherine McKenney has won the battle to replace Diane Holmes as Somerset Ward councillor.
Sally Ann uses sports to socialize homeless men
On Wednesday afternoons, volunteers, with soccer balls and footballs in hand, head to the Salvation Army Booth Centre, where they organize and play pickup sports with homeless men, recovering addicts, and members of the downtown neighbourhood.
Viewpoint: Community sports need support from local businesses
Think back to when you played sports growing up. What do you remember? For many people, one strong image is the jersey they wore. That jersey signified they were part of a team, a community of people coming together for a common goal.