From its picturesque shores to its rushing rapids, Ottawa’s newest star isn’t like most celebrities. Nearly 1,300 kilometres long, with over 300 species of birds, 96 types of fish and a watershed larger than England, the Ottawa River’s wild beauty can’t be captured through a single lens.
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Harper ignoring the environment
As world leaders gathered at the recent United Nations Climate Summit, one absence was especially galling: Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Council term limit not the answer
Let's think bigger than term limits It’s undeniable that democracy at the local level needs an overhaul.Take, for instance, the present tendency for overwhelming consensus at city hall. While most Ottawa residents find themselves divided on major issues – transit, condos, development — councillors find themselves agreeing with each other most of the time.
Play aims to illuminate lives of female aviators
Canadian playwright Clint Ward and his all-Canadian cast strive to revive early 20th century stories of women in aviation in the new original production, Spitfire Dance: A Dramatic Musical Entertainment, which premieres at the Canadian War Museum on Oct. 23.