The city’s planning department has received a tongue-lashing from Somerset Coun. Diane Holmes for streamlining development projects without consulting the public first.
Planners too often on side of developers, says Holmes
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Archive 1997-2016
The city’s planning department has received a tongue-lashing from Somerset Coun. Diane Holmes for streamlining development projects without consulting the public first.
With highrise condos becoming the defining vision for the future of Preston Street, a shadow has been cast over the fate of Little Italy’s lowrise buildings.
Disagreement over planning in the city’s core continues to hinder the implementation of the Centretown Community Design Plan, creating frustration for residents, businesses and developers. Shamit Tushakiran, Centretown NewsNorman Street residents are concerned about a proposal to widen this narrow community path.
The City of Ottawa’s heritage committee has taken steps to secure the long-term future of a unique 19th century building on Albert Street.Eric Murphy, Centretown NewsThe Albert House Inn at 478 Albert St.