Mayor Jim Watson revealed plans for the future of public transportation in Ottawa on Wednesday morning, including a major light rail extension servicing the outer reaches of the city.
Vision for Ottawa rail unveiled
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Archive 1997-2016
Mayor Jim Watson revealed plans for the future of public transportation in Ottawa on Wednesday morning, including a major light rail extension servicing the outer reaches of the city.
Ottawa Police were on scene at the intersection of Lyon and Queen streets to survey traffic Wednesday as construction on the major downtown arteries jutted into the intersection. Dave Yin, Centretown NewsWorkers dig away at Lyon and Queen streets to restore water mains in advance of LRT construction. Construction jutted into the intersection requiring police presence to survey traffic.
“Life in space is impossible,” stark text asserts, adding that 500 km above the surface of the earth there is no oxygen and no air to carry sound.
A historic Centretown building may be about to undergo restoration to prevent it lying derelict for more years.