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Local musicians urged to focus on digital retail
"The Next Big Bang: A New Direction for Music in Canada" is the latest report from the organization that represents the interests of Canadian musicians and producers. Among Music Canada's recommendations is a call for "digital innovation" to help market Canadian music more widely. A CJTV news report for Centretown News.
Government plans to preserve Rideau Canal’s future
On the recent World Water day, the city paid tribute to something in its own backyard—the Rideau Canal waterway. It’s a protected world heritage site. It’s also the focus of a multi-level government strategy. A CJTV news report for Centretown News.
New initiative supports male victims of sexual abuse
Often when attention is paid to sexual abuse, the focus is on women. But men are also victims of sexual abuse. That's why a new online resource called 1in6 Canada was recently launched. A CJTV news report for Centretown News.