For the past week, Ottawa has joined the rest of Ontario in recognizing the importance of heritage by celebrating Heritage Week.
The importance of Heritage Week
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Archive 1997-2016
For the past week, Ottawa has joined the rest of Ontario in recognizing the importance of heritage by celebrating Heritage Week.
Speculation that the city will propose a cap on the amount of funding that councillors can donate to community causes has been criticized by community leaders.
The city released Centretown’s community design plan to the public last week after completing a four-year study as part of its Liveable Ottawa 2031 project but was promply given the bum's rush by the Centretown Citizens Community Association.
Now that the distribution of the penny has been halted, charities and organizations in the city are looking for a way to give back – one cent at a time.Alison Gilchrist, Centretown NewsThe Somerset Community Health Centre is collecting pennies in support of its after-school programs.