News Briefs

Harris unhappy with election loss

Peter Harris thought it was the race he couldn’t lose — but did.

The former city councillor for Centretown lost his bid to become regional councillor for Bay ward Nov. 10 when he was defeated by Wendy Byrne, a lawyer, by 182 votes.

Harris wants to contest the results because some polling stations ran out of ballots and people left before voting.

He believes that could have changed the outcome of the race.

Harris is no stranger to close defeats.

In 1994, he ran an even closer race against Elisabeth Arnold for city council. He lost and called for a judicial recount which only confirmed the outcome of the election.

Harris is asking for another vote, but elections officials say the only way to challenge the outcome is through the courts. — Lisa Miguez

Calling all “old” boys and girls

The Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa-Carleton will hold its biggest-ever party next spring as part of its plan to entice its “lost” boys and girls to come home for the club’s 75th anniversary.

Prizes will be awarded to the “boy or girl” who travels farthest to the event, and to the oldest.

“So far, we’ve got them back to the ’40s,” says club spokesperson Angela Jellet, “but I’m sure we can go back much further than that.”

Retiring Ottawa mayor Jacquelin Holzman, along with other prominent Ottawa residents, announced plans for the party at the club’s Centretown headquarters last week. She will be the event’s honorary chairperson.

The homecoming will coincide with the club’s $2-million fundraising drive.

The Boys and Girls Club accepts members between the ages of six and 18. For a yearly $25 fee, members have access to all facilities. The club will waive the fee if a potential member can’t afford it.

Lost members can reach the club at 1-800-598-1168 or at — Centretown News