Letters for April 11, 1998

Street issue ‘clarified’

I want to thank Gina Harris for her even-handed coverage of the situation on Florence Street regarding the two-way portion that was instituted against the wishes of the street’s residents two years ago.
There are a few things, however, that need clarification. When the owner of the Mailroom says that his decision to establish his business hinged on this change being made, he neglects to mention that there has always been ample access from the lane that runs behind the businesses on Bank Street between Gladstone to Gilmour. Going all the way around, as he says, to come down the one-way on Florence is but one means of approach. People also have the option of parking on Frank Street, directly across from the Mailroom. This is a moot point, however, because I would venture to say that most of his business is walk-in from people living in the neighborhood.

When Coun. Elisabeth Arnold talks about speed bumps she is describing another issue and one that has no bearing on the ill-fated decision she helped make that places residents in peril. Whether someone is driving at five km/h, or 45 km/h, if they are proceeding the wrong way on a one-way, they will injure or damage whomever or whatever they hit regardless of speed bumps laid out from here to kingdom come.
Paul Courvette makes a good case about danger to children on the street. I might also add that many of the residents on Florence Street are elderly and the last thing they need is to be pitted against traffic coming at them from all directions.

Thanks for writing about this issue.

Shannon Lee Mannion
Florence Street

Less talk, more action

Thank you for your coverage of the Florence Street “one-way” issue.

I’m disappointed that the writer missed the main point I made during our interview.

One hundred per cent of residents and business on Florence Street voted against this decision, yet our politicians took this action after we all went through the charade they called consultation.

Insofar as the Centretown Plan goes, if we had 10 per cent of what we’ve paid consultant and city employees to talk about the issue for the last five years, perhaps some work could actually get done!
Paul Couvrette
Florence Street