Some prostitutes were busted trying to trade sex for money. Now, they’ve decided to trade in their criminal charge for a three-day Sex Trade Worker Education Program (STEP).
‘Jane school’ educates sex-trade workers
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Archive 1997-2016
Some prostitutes were busted trying to trade sex for money. Now, they’ve decided to trade in their criminal charge for a three-day Sex Trade Worker Education Program (STEP).
Plans for a pedestrian bridge over the Rideau Canal linking Sandy Hill with Centretown will be presented to the public later this month, says Somerset Coun. Elisabeth Arnold.
The federal, provincial and city governments combined to hand out $8.2 million to “prevent and end homelessness” in Ottawa, but according to groups who received money they are only trying to manage the symptoms instead of investing in a cure. They say the real problem is the lack of affordable housing
A wall of graffiti sticks out like a sore thumb from the historic elegance of the Dominion-Chalmers United Church on Cooper Street.