Letters for March 28, 2003

As the representative on the Ottawa Youth Cabinet for Somerset Ward, I would like to offer a few thoughts with regards to the editorial on the OYC in your last issue.

The first is that the cabinet is relatively young — indeed, the city itself is still dealing with amalgamation.

While some attempts by the cabinet to reach out to youth have been more successful than others, these things take time.

Please be assured that, in the meantime, we are evaluating our options in terms of getting the word out about the cabinet and what we do in general.

Also, it should be noted that the members of the cabinet are all volunteers.

We all have a number of commitments, including school, work and other volunteer activities. Unlike elected officials, we are left with much less time in which to do our work.

This is not to say, however, that stuff is not being done.

For example, I recently met with close to 20 youth who want to create a greenspace/artist colony in this ward, and will continue to work with them on this project.

As well, I am, along with other cabinet members, addressing the issue of rave safety. I have met with a number of parties involved, including community members and the police; by the end of the process — depending on the length of the consultations — we hope to help foster better communication between them.

Thus, I feel that, while the cabinet is far from perfect, it is a work in progress.

Of course, your thoughts and comments are more than welcome.

If you or anyone else have any youth-related issues that you would like to bring to my attention, please feel free contact me at nathan.hauch@sympatico.ca.

I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Nathan Hauch,

Youth Cabinet member,

Somerset Ward