Downtown schools ‘well utilized’

Kelly Patrick is to be commended for her excellent front-page and editorial coverage in your Sept. 26 issue on the Ottawa public school board’s accommodation report released in late September. Given the importance of this report to downtown schools, I would like to elaborate on a few of the points raised in the article.

First, the reasons for the board staff decision not to recommend the closure of downtown schools.

I termed this decision “unexpected” as reported by Ms. Patrick only because four downtown schools were on the spring options list and all four had been on at least one previous list in recent years. Six years of dealing with school closure recommendations has led to a degree of pessimism.

Fortunately, this staff report reflected not only a sensible reduction in the number of spaces to be closed board-wide but also recognition that downtown schools are indeed well utilized.

The 10 elementary schools in the downtown area which includes Centretown, the Glebe, Old Ottawa South, Sandy Hill and Lowertown have an average utilization rate of 85 per cent (2002-03). As well as a high average utilization, no one school has significant excess space. Perhaps we can bid farewell to the myth of the “half-empty” downtown school.

There may be more good news soon. A major plank in the Liberal Party platform recognizes the importance of early learning and promises a cap of 20 students for Kindergarten to Grade 3 classes. Several other components of the Liberal platform on education have implications for school facilities including increased assistance for child care and full-day junior and senior kindergarten.

Even if these promises are implemented gradually or partially because of budgetary constraints, these commitments spell good news not only for excellence in education but also the future of our neighbourhood schools as community hubs.

Along with other Ottawa board trustees, I am looking forward to working with the government to determine how best to meet the needs of our students.

Joan Spice

Trustee, Zone 10

Somerset and Kitchissippi Wards