Letters for December 10, 2004

Bank Street needs positive thinking

Re: New BIA chair aims to rid area of ‘rough people,’ Nov. 26

I have been a resident of Centretown all of my life and I would like to respond to the article about the new BIA chair, Elie Gharib.

Mr. Gharib needs to take his blinders off. He seems to want to paint all people in this neighbourhood with the same brush. His comments about Hartman’s to stop selling wine is narrow -minded to say the least.

I and many other hard-working people in the area purchase our libations at the wine outlet in Hartman’s. Yes, there is a small percentage of customers that might be disruptive and a bit rough around the edges. However, the vast majority of us are responsible people.

Another comment that Mr. Gharib made concerned the drunks coming out of the now defunct Duke of Somerset. Let me remind Mr. Gharib that again most of the clientele were hard-working people as well as retirees and veterans.

Now, if we continue along Mr. Gharib’s way of thinking we should stop Big Bud’s from selling condoms because the hookers and their johns will be discarding them everywhere. He then should also stop businesses from selling adult videos and sexy lingerie. How about getting rid of Hartman’s all-together? Then we could control obesity in Centretown.

If Mr. Gharib had his way, Bank Street would have only pizza, shwarma and coffee shops. This would be like asking for more lawyers and we all know there is enough of them already. Mr. Gharib must begin thinking in a positive manner.

I am all for making the area safe and secure; however, progressive thinking I believe is the way to go. Mr. Gharib needs to look at Bank Street and the world for that matter in a much more positive light and stop focusing on the small percentage of people and irritants that seem to swell up in his mind.

Robert H. Blyth

Bronson Avenue

Why another Elgin Street?

Re: New BIA chair aims to rid area of ‘rough people,’ Nov. 26

So Tony Shahrasebi is doing us all a big favour by opening a Wendy’s and Tim Hortons? Give your head a shake. And prostitutes loitering outside the Duke of Somerset? I don’t think so. A couple of drunk guys smoking, sure. People sticking needles in their arm? No.

His friends are kissing up to him by telling him he should run for mayor; he obviously has lots of money. His buddy Eli sounds like he’s puckering up. Dozens of drunks? You mean 36+ drunks? All milling about scaring our hero?

Why does Bank Street have to be remade in Elgin Street’s or Yorkville’s image? Who thinks we need more fast-food franchises?

I hope like hell that nobody sets foot in the place.

Chris Miller

Florence Street