Community Calendar for March 31, 2006

March 31-April 2

The Canadian Cancer Society needs volunteers to sell daffodils at retail locations for up to three hours over the weekend of March 31 to April 2. If you can help for a few hours, contact the society’s office at 723-1744 ext. 243 or at

April 1-2

The Cumberland Lions Club is celebrating the 37th anniversary of Maplefest April 1 and 2 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Lions Maple Hall, 2552 Old Montreal Road. Sausages, maple syrup, tea, coffee, and all the pancakes you can eat. Admission for adults $5.50, children (12 & under) $4, children under 4 are free. Seniors $5.Maple Syrup products on sale by the Cumberland Scouts. Bake sale at the United Church by three village churches Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

April 4

Find out what the Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre provides at a free seminar on April 4 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. To register call Gwen at 563-0363. The centre is located at 488 Wilbrod St.

April 6-30

Ottawa Mixed Media Artists present their fourth juried exhibit and sale at the Britannia Gallery, 2728 Howe Street. Come out and see how these “Artists with Attitude” interpret “Spring Mix,” from April 6 until April 30. Meet the artists on April 6 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. For additional information, contact the gallery at 721-1559 or visit

April 7

Watch for local restaurants which will be participating in Dining for Dollars Day on April 7 on behalf of The Salvation Army. Two dollars from the sale of every Sally Ann Special will be donated to the army to support local programs and services

April 8-9

The Gloucester Craftsmen’s Guild is holding its Spring Market at Lester B. Pearson High School, 2072 Jasmine Crescent at Ogilvie Road, April 8 and 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Original works will be on sale. Free parking and admission but a donation to the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard qualifies you for a chance at a door prize.

April 19-20

Father Goose: The Wild Life of Bill Lishman will be presented by The Royal Canadian Geographical Society April 19 and 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Centrepointe Theatre, 101 Centrepointe Drive, Lishman will tell the story of how he earned the nickname Father Goose. He’s the man who flew with Canada geese and was portrayed by Jeff Daniels in the award-winning movie Fly Away Home. More recently, the process that he pioneered led to the restoration of an easterly flock of migrating whooping cranes. Admission is $10 for RIGS members; $15 for non-members; free for children under 12. Tickets are available at The Royal Canadian Geographical Society, 39 McArthur Avenue; the Centrepointe Theatre box office. For more information call 580-2700 or visit

April 20

Toastmasters, a non-profit public service organization dedicated to improving communication and leadership skills, is sponsoring a leadership symposium at the Ottawa Public Library Auditorium, Metcalfe and Laurier, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Thursday, April 20. For information call 233-8120 or inquire by e-mail:

April 22

McPhail Memorial Baptist Church, 249 Bronson Ave. at Lisgar Street, is holding a New To You sale on April 22 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., rain or shine. On sale will be such items as books, clothes, toys, kitchenware, collectibles, small appliances, tools, desks, tables and air conditioners. For more information call 235-7617

“Re-energize Your Life and Lighten up for Spring by de-cluttering and making the most of your space.” Attend one of two workshops presented by Unity Church of Ottawa and professional organizer Robin Bailey on April 22 at the Ottawa Public Library on Metcalfe Street. Advanced registration required. Cost is $50 (proceeds to Unity Church). To register call the Unity Church Office at 723 5852.

April 23

Saunders-Matthey Cancer Prevention Coalition presents its second annual celebration of life fashion show, “Prevention is in Style,” featuring cancer survivors as models, April 23, at 1:30 p.m., (doors open at 12:30), at Senhor Santo Cristo Church, 1100 Kenaston. Tickets are $25 ($30 at the door). For information call Karen, 592-6164; Julie,

843-8828; or Tina at 819-568-8736

April 28

The Salvation Army’s Annual Red Shield Breakfast, “A Salute to the Canadian Forces,” will be held April 28 from 7:30-9 a.m at the Ottawa Congress Centre. Tickets are $50 each or $500 for a table of 10. Guest speaker, door prize and musical entertainment with all proceeds going to local programs and services. For more information call 233-8428.

May 6

Get head-to-toe diabetes management information at the Diabetes Expo at the Hampton Inn Convention Centre on May 6. Experts will speak on subjects ranging from new and emerging therapies, to how to make healthier food choices and how to incorporate physical activity into your life while making it fun at the same time. The hands-on event is sponsored by the Canadian Diabetes Association. Guest speaker will Dr. Ian Blumer, Space is limited. before April 17 for the early bird rate of $20. To register, call 521-1902 exit. 20, or register online at


Two out of five Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Help us change that statistic this April by joining the Canadian Cancer Society as a volunteer door-to-door canvasser. Money raised will help fund leading-edge Canadian cancer research, provide information on all types of cancer and deliver community support services. Contact Loretta Fleming at 723-1744 ext. 226.