Letter: Bank Street construction woes

Re:Businesses brace for major road closures, March 28

I sit here at my computer with wet feet writing this letter.

I lived through the construction of Bank Street north of Laurier and, yes, it affected my life as I lived at Kent and Laurier.

The article says: “I think the area north of Laurier that’s been  completed looks great now . . .”

Yes, it looks great but say this you cannot be living in this area. Now that it's finished, there are two large puddles on the east and west side of Bank, between Laurier and Slater, taking up the full width of the sidewalk, making it impossible to walk around.

Each time it rains or melts, these puddles appear and are so deep you will get wet feet if you walk through them.

I contented with the construction vehicles along the way for more that a year. Many of these were city crewss inspecting the job. What were they inspecting? The looks? How about the practicalities of the job? These puddles would not exist if the sidewalk was sloped as it should be.

If the inspection was done correctly I would not be writing this letter nor would I have wet feet.