Committee proposes waste-collection user fees

A revamp of waste-collection funding was proposed Tuesday as part of the city’s planning and environment committee’s 2010 budget projection.

Residents will no longer pay for garbage, recycling and organics collection as part of their property taxes. Instead, they will pay three separate user fees that will be added to the tax bill of people using the service.

To pay for the $17-million annual cost of the new green bin program, property owners will pay $1.55 per pickup, totaling $68 a year.

Given that both garbage and green bin programs will be fee funded, the committee also recommended that funding for blue and black box recycling, which totals $11 million a year, be moved from the general property tax base to a user-based program. This fee suggested is 79 cents per week for a total of $41 per year.

 “The proposed green bin and recycling service fees are a fair transparent way for the city to recover the costs of these programs,” said Alta Vista Coun. Peter Hume, chair of the committee.

Both the current and former chairs of agriculture and rural affairs committee are backing the recommendation because it means 7,800 rural property owners will be exempted from paying for the green bin service they won’t receive.

The committee also reviewed the costs of the new Urban Tree Conservation bylaw and recommended a $50 permit fee to offset the costs of the bylaw’s administration and implementation.  

Other budget estimates include investments in the city’s built and natural environment.

Kanata Coun. Peggy Feltmate said the recommendation to shift waste collection fees, from the general tax base to a user-based program, is one of the “bigger” issues the budget committee will be tabling and debating at the planning and environment meeting scheduled for Nov. 10 at 9:30 a.m.

She added, “It’s a move in the right direction for the city.”

For additional highlights of the committee recommendation see