Centretown pedestrians raise budget concerns

Pedestrians and cyclists living in the downtown core expressed concern over the city’s upcoming budget plan at Thursday night’s fifth and final public consultation held at City Hall.

“Pedestrians are totally ignored,” said Somerset Coun. Diane Holmes, in response to comments made by one concerned citizen on the decrepit state of her sidewalk.

According to the councillor, the city had two people working on pedestrian issues, which was recently downsized to one.

“We don’t spend money on pedestrians,” said Holmes.

Another member of the public also expressed concern over the postponement of the planned bicycle underpass at Somerset Street.

“We’ve been working on that bike lane since the 1960s,” said Holmes about the project.

While she said she would like to see the funds to complete the project accounted for in the upcoming budget, Holmes said it’s not likely to happen in 2011. 

Other issues raised at the two-hour consultation were proposed cuts to OC Transpo bus routes, purchase of double-decker buses, as well as the building of a corridor linking Alta Vista Drive from the General Campus of the Ottawa Hospital to Riverside Drive.

Holmes said she was pleased with the night’s discussions, saying, “I think it’s an opportunity for people to comment and let us know what their concerns are.”

The new council will return to the table next Tuesday and Wednesday to pass this year’s budget.