May Day protesters swarm PM’s office

More than a thousand protesters marched from Confederation Park to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s office on May 1 to protest the federal government’s budget cuts.

The May Day gathering had at its core the group Solidarity Against Austerity, an organization dedication to stopping public service cuts and defend workers’ rights.

The protesters met at Confederation Park with signs that had slogans such as “What’s the reason, Stephen?” and “Did you mean to say ‘fudge it’ when you said budget?” Speakers criticized much of the Harper government’s spending plans, including an increase in the defense budget and tax cuts for corporations.

Protesters then marched toward the corner of Elgin and Wellington streets, chanting “stop the cuts” as police managed the crowd on their way to the prime minister’s office. Aretha Franklin’s “Respect” blared from a sound system. Some who took to the stage engaged the crowd with chants and music.

Speakers showed support for students in Quebec who are protesting tuition fees. Union officials said a crowd of student supporters from Quebec were blocked from crossing into Ontario.

The similarly themed Occupied Ottawa is set to return on May 12.