“Confederation,” “Bytown” art themes for Centretown LRT stations

Stations throughout the city’s planned light rail transit line will showcase public artwork – with the route’s Centretown stops displaying themes that celebrate Confederation, Ottawa’s history and Algonquin culture.

The $10-million project will see pieces from local artists embedded in the architecture of each station.

The Downtown West station, to be located at Albert and Lyon streets, will see art “celebrating the history of Ottawa,” according to the city’s light rail website. Artwork at O’Connor and Queen streets’ Downtown East stop will celebrate Ottawa as the nation’s capital and may promote “the unique cultures of each province and territory.”

Another stop at the existing Bayview station on the Centretown border will see “environmentally friendly and eco-conscious art.” A new station near the current LeBreton transit station will showcase art that expresses Algonquin culture. With this site, the city will work with members of the aboriginal community.

The city is calling for professional artists to submit their qualifications for the art program no later than Sept. 6. An information session for interested artists will be held at 5:30 p.m. tonight at the Routhier Community Centre at 172 Guigues Avenue.