City recommends review of Sparks Street boards

The City of Ottawa’s clerk and solicitor has recommended a comprehensive review of the two boards that govern and oversee the activities on Sparks Street, according to a new report tabled at today’s city council meeting.

The two boards are the Sparks Street Mall Authority and the Sparks Street Business Improvement Area. The mall authority is in charge of the daily operations of the pedestrian mall while the BIA encourages and promotes businesses in the area. 

Former head of the Sparks Street BIA Les Gagné left his position earlier this month.

The city clerk’s report assessed the distinct features of the two boards and suggested the city undertake a review to see whether the boards can be merged. 

The review will be completed with the consultation of National Capital Commission and Public Works and Government Services Canada, according to CBC. 

The review is expected to be completed in 2015, CBC reported.