The Rideau Canal skateway is officially open

After a much anticipated wait, everyone can finally lace up their skates and make their way to one of Ottawa’s most iconic attractions.

The Rideau Canal officially opened for its 46th season this morning at 10:30 a.m. The 3.8-kilometre section spans from Somerset St. to Bank St. Bridge.

Conditions are classified by the National Capital Commission as “fair,” which is often the case for the canal’s opening day.

The skateway had a late start this year, but it was not the latest on record. The last time the NCC had to wait this long before giving skaters the go ahead was in 2008, when the season kicked off on Jan. 25. The latest start on record however, was in 2002 when the canal did not open until Feb. 2.

Last year the Rideau Canal broke records for most consecutive days open with 59 days – the longest in the canal’s history.

The reason for the delay this season is because of repeated snowfall, which insulates the ice and prevents it from thickening.

Ottawa’s annual winter celebration, Winterlude, officially kicks off Jan. 29. 

The NCC will be working around the clock to get the rest of the 7.8-kilometre stretch open. Until then, they are asking skaters to stay off the unopened portions of the ice. 

The Rideau Canal now has a new and fully responsive website with an interactive map where skaters can check ice conditions and see social media updates.

Check it out at