Thousands provide feedback on LeBreton Flats proposals

Approximately 8,000 Canadians provided feedback towards the future LeBreton Flats development after the National Capital Commission (NCC) invited people to submit their opinions online comparing the two proposals.

The feedback collected will be compiled into a report and presented to the NCC board of directors this spring alongside the evaluation committee’s technical review findings.

Both proponents, the Devcore Canderel DLS group and the RendezVous LeBreton group, made proposals in January.

The members of the LeBreton Flats evaluation committee include architect A.J. Diamond, land economist Mark Conway, and three other NCC staff.

According to the NCC, the group will be reviewing the two proposals’ transportation plans, servicing plants, sustainability strategies, economic development and delivery models.

The official announcement of the successful proponent is set to be announced in early 2017.