Liberal MP for Ottawa Centre, Catherine McKenna, has been sworn-in as Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
Author: Centretown Staff
If a tree falls
Many trees in the nation’s capital are over a century old, some even pre-date confederation. But what if you woke up one morning and a beloved tree was gone? It’s a reality Daniel Buckles has lived, and he’s since made it his mission to protect the oaks in his neighbourhood. Now, the city is building a plan to protect Ottawa’s urban canopy to help residents like Buckles keep development out of their trees.
Queensway closes for repairs
Part of the Queensway will be closed this weekend for the rapid replacement of the Kent Street overpass.
Exhibit explores Ottawa’s dry history
The newly-opened Taverns and Troublemakers exhibit recalls a time when Centretown residents had to cross the “bridge of a thousand thirsts” into Quebec for a drink – the era when most of Ottawa was a “dry” community.