City holds school board to long-term contract

By Rita Trichur

McNabb Park public school could be given a new lease on life because of a contract signed by the City of Ottawa and the now defunct Ottawa Board of Education 33 years ago.

The joint-use property contract doesn’t expire for another 49 years. This means the new Ottawa-Carleton District School Board could be forced to pay for its share of the building’s operation and maintenance costs until 2,019 — whether or not the school is in active use. Patrons would have full access to the gymnasium, main hall, preschool room and community room, spaces shared with the adjoining community centre. read more

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Group forecasts Y2K doom and gloom

Residents doubt the end is near

By Stephanie Coombs

In less than a year, the world will be ringing in a new millennium, but instead of planning to celebrate, one Centretown group is predicting doom and gloom.

“We’ve relied on technology too much,” says Jean-Louis Dubé, a volunteer with the Y2K Centretown Preparedness Group. “We all have to work together, or else we can just go back to the year 1900 and haul water with buckets or drive horses and buggies.” read more

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Catholic closures in limbo

By Chinta Puxley

Putting school closures off a year may not be enough to save Ottawa’s downtown Catholic schools.
As suburbs rapidly expand, downtown schools could still be sacrificed for new suburban schools.

The Ottawa-Carleton Catholic School Board announced the recommended closure of 10 schools Nov. 5, including Centretown’s St. Mary elementary school. The board at a meeting this week decided to delay any closure decision until next March. read more

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