Letters for February 25, 2005

Condo criticism ‘over the top’

It’s been a while since an opinion piece has made me laugh out loud and seethe with frustration at the same time, but Tia Goldenberg’s delusion that condos are “stripping Ottawa of its charm” is simply over the top.

Her assertions are both short-sighted and misleading because she fails to recognize how short-term construction inconveniences lead to long-term benefits for local businesses and our broader community. read more

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Letters for February 11, 2005

Bridge survey results ‘biased’

As a tenant who resides in a building managed by Triole Investments, I found it unfortunate that your reporter didn’t ask to see a copy of the ‘questionnaire’ which was distributed to the tenants in our buildings.

It began with an implied statement that our rents would be raised substantially if this bridge were to be built, followed by the question as to whether we would support it or not. read more

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Letters for January 28, 2005

Keep library downtown

I’d like to think that city councillor Diane Holmes will succeed in her efforts to persuade the decision-makers to keep the Main Branch of the Ottawa Library in the city’s centre.

But I fear that we’re about to see another of the curious short-sighted decisions that Ottawa is noted for, for instance moving the central railway station to Alta Vista or locating the city’s hockey rink/entertainment centre somewhere near Stittsville. read more

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Letters for December 10, 2004

Bank Street needs positive thinking

Re: New BIA chair aims to rid area of ‘rough people,’ Nov. 26

I have been a resident of Centretown all of my life and I would like to respond to the article about the new BIA chair, Elie Gharib.

Mr. Gharib needs to take his blinders off. He seems to want to paint all people in this neighbourhood with the same brush. His comments about Hartman’s to stop selling wine is narrow -minded to say the least. read more

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