Catholic school board not making grade

Trustees still finding their feet after recent amalgamation of boards. Andree Lau reports.

The debate over Catholic school closures has revealed some frustration by both parents and trustees, who are still getting used to a smaller board of trustees representing larger zones and more issues.

One parent says she believes the imbalance of seven trustees from Carleton and only three from Ottawa on the Ottawa-Carleton Catholic School Board means city issues are being ignored. read more

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Lisgar students graduate with ‘mock-tails’

OSAID, students to promote safe, sober driving. Siobhan Byrne reports.

From car wrecks and “mock-tails” to casino nights and testimonials, a group of students at Lisgar Collegiate Institute want to send a message to their classmates — don’t drive drunk.

Four months ago, Grade 11 student Lisa Jog organized a chapter of Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving (OSAID) at Lisgar Collegiate. read more

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Cash injection ‘not enough’

By Kathy Olson

Despite a school board decision to put $4 million back into special education, parents and supporters say students with special needs will suffer unless major changes are made to protect the programs.

The Ottawa Carleton District School Board decided last month to put $3 million from a one-time reserve fund and an additional $1 million back into special education for the next school year. read more

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