Organizer hope to bring attention to an “invisible disease”

For the past 10 years, Gatineau resident Lyne Lacroix has been organizing a boat cruise along the Outaouais River to help bring attention to what she calls an “invisible disease.”

This disease is cystic fibrosis, a debilitating condition that affects the lungs and often requires a transplant.

Lacroix was 36 when she was diagnosed, but since then has been working to bring attention to the disease in hopes of raising money to find a cure.

The problem is, she said, is cystic fibrosis for the most part is not a visible disability.

The condition has affected Lacroix’s ability to breathe, especially during poor weather conditions. To help combat this, Lacroix received handicap-parking permits that allow her to park closer to building entrances.

“You should see the looks I get,” said Lacroix.

She said people who see her leaving her vehicle are not aware that she has cystic fibrosis and don’t understand why she would need a handicap-parking space.

It is this lack of awareness of cystic fibrosis that she said she hopes to address through the cruise, including bringing the cystic fibrosis community together for a night of fun and relaxation

Since her diagnosis, she has run the Outaouais Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Association, along with her husband and two volunteers.

The boat cruise is in its 10th year and this year participants will be able to experience something special: the Casino du Lac Leamy Sound of Light firework finale as they cruise along the river.

Cruisers will be able to participate in dances, silent and live auctions as well as purchase raffle tickets for one of 124 baskets ranging in price $75 to $295.

“We collect prizes throughout the whole year,” explained Lacroix.

Westjet and VIA Rail tickets, as well as tickets to Ottawa senator games and hotel stays that range from Ottawa and the Gatineau region, through to Moncton, New Brunswick are among the prizes available through auction.

Proceeds from the event will go towards the organization’s $25,000 fundraising goal to help fund research into finding a cure for cystic fibrosis. Tickets are still available and anyone interested is encouraged to contact Lacroix directly at 819-243-8619 to reserve tickets.