Terror suspect charged after allegedly threatening to bomb police station

Tevis Gonyou-McLean, arrested by police on suspicion of terrorism-related activites, has been charged after allegedly threatening to bomb the police headquarters on Elgin Street.

The latest charge follows his Nov. 5 arrest for failing to adhere to strict bond conditions.

After a special constable in the station’s cellblocks reported the accused’s alleged comments about the bombing to a superior officer, police charged the 25-year-old Muslim convert with death threats. He has repeatedly denied any connection to ISIL, or any supporters of the Islamic State jihadist militant group.

He was originally arrested in August by the RCMP over fears he would engage in acts of terrorism. Although he wasn’t charged with any terrorism offences at the time, Gonyou-McLean was released on a terrorism peace bond intended to monitor and restrict his movements.

Gonyou-McLean was arrested Nov. 5 for breaching conditions of the peace bond. He allegedly smashed the GPS bracelet he was wearing in one instance; another time, he allegedly slipped out of it.

Under the conditions of the peace bond, he was required to wear a GPS ankle tracker and live at a downtown drug treatment shelter. He was also told he couldn’t read or view materials — online or otherwise — from any listed terrorist group, nor could he possess any items with an Islamic State logo.

Gonyou-McLean was arrested twice due to repeated breaches of his release conditions, said police. He was released on bail Nov. 30 under strict requirements he adhere to the same conditions previously detailed in his peace bond.

Gonyou-McLean has no criminal record and none of the charges against him have been proven in court.