Residents feel betrayed by bank closure

By Diane Campbell
Despite the protests of irate customers, yet another bank has closed its doors, leaving local businesses and faithful customers feeling betrayed.

The Scotiabank at 434 Bank St. closed in September, merging its services with the branch at 186 Bank St. The CIBC and Bank of Montreal branches on Cooper Street, the Royal Bank formerly at Bank Street and Somerset Avenue, and the Women’s Credit Union on Laurier Avenue have all closed and merged with other branches since 1997. read more

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‘Big picture’ finds concrete examples at constituency level

By Joe Boulé 

Health care. Education. Workfare. Tax cuts. Law and Order. Those are some of the issues that have dominated the election on the provincial scene.

It’s not much different on the local level.

Like most provincial elections, the issues that surface in the ridings are generally a microcosm of the “big picture” throughout Ontario. But at a local level — in Ottawa Centre — words such as “education cuts” get replaced with more concrete examples such as “McNabb Park.” read more

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Reforms in the crossfire

By Daniel Kitts

The need for reforms, suggested in a $56,000 study conducted last year, was highlighted by two fires in the same apartment complex on Metcalfe Street within seven months.

An inspection after the second fire on March 12 showed the complex, located at 285-289 Metcalfe, lacked several pieces of fire equipment required for a building of its kind under Ontario’s retrofit regulations, introduced in 1992. read more

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