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Author: Randy Boswell

Diet & Fitness

Lookahead ’21: Winter trail brings vital outdoor relief to Covid-challenged Britannia community

As Ottawa residents continue to weather the pandemic winter, volunteers with the Britannia Winter Trail Organization in the city’s west end have been working hard to provide a recreational outlet to help maintain the community’s mental and physical health. Dedicated to maintaining and improving six kilometres of natural trails in the Britannia Bay neighbourhood, BWTO officials say the outdoor amenity...

Carleton’s MJ class explores COVID-19’s ‘novel times’

Students from Carleton University’s Master of Journalism program have worked tirelessly over the past few months to produce an array of multimedia news and feature stories that chronicle this unusual moment in the life of Canada and the world. The stories are collected at The Novel Times. All of the articles at the website have been made possible thanks to...

Remembrance, remotely

In the midst of a surge in second-wave COVID-19 cases, Canadians paused on Nov. 11 to remember the sacrifices of soldiers who died and veterans who survived the First and Second World War, conflicts in Korea, Afghanistan and peacekeeping missions around the world. The pandemic made Remembrance Day 2020 a mostly virtual, physically distanced commemoration — a very different kind...